
School Uniform

 Uniform provides a consistency and sense of belonging for all children in all year groups, as well as preparing those soon to move to secondary school for new expectations. Children are required to wear full school uniform at all times and we ask for our staff (as well as parents and carers) to ensure that our children look part of this great learning community.


As a reminder, we expect our pupils to wear:


  • Navy or grey trousers, skirt or shorts (in the summer blue and white checked cotton dresses)
  • Navy blue jumper or cardigan school logo optional
  • White polo shirt or blouse school logo optional
  • Sensible black or navy shoes, not trainers or boots 

Of course, sometimes accidents happen! In the event that children cannot wear full school uniform, notification of this from parents is required. This could be through a letter, email, phone call or early morning chat with the teacher. If this does not happen, teachers will need to make a phone call home. We will, where possible, provide items to be worn for the day.  


Sports and PE Kit

In promoting health and wellbeing for all of our children, pupils are asked to wear a separate outfit for PE with all jewellery (including earrings) being removed for sports sessions. (If children cannot remove their own jewellery, we ask that they remove it before attending school.) We ask that children’s PE kits remain in school all week so that we can take advantage of every sporting opportunity!


To differentiate between regular school uniform and PE kits our PE t-shirts are now Royal Blue.


As a reminder, we expect our pupils to wear:


  • Royal blue t-shirt 
  • Black or navy PE shorts
  • Plain navy or black tracksuit for outdoor sports (unbranded)
  • Sports trainers
Our uniform can be purchased from JR Sports in Otley  
Children should also have a NAMED water bottle in school which they can fill up with fresh water from our automatic water coolers.