

For all children and young people at the Whartons to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, be able to reason mathematically and solve problems applying their knowledge and understanding of mathematics.



-      Embed regular practise of the Key Instant Recall Facts

-      Embed regular low stakes testing

-      Build on previous knowledge ensuring key concepts are explored in depth

-      Lessons built around Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving

-      Expand their use of Mathematical skills across a range of curriculum areas

-      Develop a range of concrete and abstract strategies for tackling mathematical problems

-      Overlearn Key Vocabulary

Mathematics and SMSC

In our Maths lessons at The Whartons Primary School pupils are encouraged to delve deeply into their understanding of Mathematics and how it relates to the world around them. Our Maths teaching actively encourages risk taking which enables pupils to explore and try new ideas without the fear of failure. This is fundamental to building pupils’ self-esteem within Mathematics. Throughout history, the study of Mathematics stems from intrigue and curiosity, with people’s desire to pose and solve problems relating to the real world or purely within mathematics itself. We aim for our students to appreciate this and use their own Maths to explore and question the way the world works and also to apply their reasoning to puzzles for their personal satisfaction.


  • Developing deep thinking and questioning the way in which the world works promotes the spiritual growth of our students. (Use of thinking hats, maps, carefully planned questions linked to Blooms and P4c)
  • We are sensitive to students’ individual needs and backgrounds and experience.
  • We aim to give all students an appreciation of the richness and power of maths.
  • Maths in Nature is embedded in Sequences, Patterns and Symmetry.
  • We promote a sense of wonder in the exactness of mathematics in the exploration of complex numbers and real world examples.
  • We encourage the students to appreciate the enormity of the world of Mathematics as it has developed through time.
  • We consider the development of pattern in different cultures including work on tessellations such as using Rangoli designs or the use of religious symbols for symmetry


  • Within the classroom, we encourage respect, reward good behaviour. We value listening to others views and opinions on problem solving.
  • We promote discussion about mathematical understanding and challenge assumptions, supporting students to question information and data that they are presented with.
  • We show the students that we are on a quest for truth by rigorous and logical argument and discourage jumping to conclusions.


  • In classrooms, we look for opportunities for pupils to use interactive resources (e.g. mini whiteboards, number fans, mini counting sticks) to promote self-esteem and build selfconfidence.
  • We encourage collaborative learning in the classroom – in the form of listening and learning from each other and paired discussion / working partners.
  • We help pupils develop their mathematical voice and powers of logic, reasoning and explanation by offering explanations to each other.
  • We exhibit pupils work in maths classrooms - to share their good practice and celebrate achievement through creating informative displays


  • We share the appreciation with the pupils that mathematics, its language and symbols have developed from many different cultures around the world: eg Egyptian and Roman.
Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS)
Family Maths Toolkit-Helping Families Do Maths Together
This has guidance for helping children.
Helping children improve their everyday maths. The Family Maths Toolkit is full of ideas to help parents, families and children aged 13 and under enjoy everyday maths.
Click on the pictures below to link to some excellent maths games websites and there are more listed below.