Welcome to our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) page.

Our SEND Coordinator is Mrs Katie Manderville :please contact via and title FAO SENDCo or Katie Manderville               

Please phone on 01943 465018 or email to make an appointment to meet with Mrs Manderville

Our SEND Governor is Kelly Hendley

Our Core Offer

At the Whartons Primary School we have an inclusive ethos and work in partnership with pupils, parents and external agencies to provide the best possible educational outcomes.  We have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.  Early identification is the key and with this in mind, support is implemented at the earliest possible stage where needed. 

The SENCo has the overall responsibility for leading and managing SEND provision. SEND Provision is monitored, reviewed and evaluated  on a regular basis throughout the year and a report is provided to the school governing body on how individual needs are being met and SEND funding is being spent.   

Please see our school policy for SEND as well as our SEND information report for further information about how we will help your child to succeed everyday in school life and beyond.

We have also included some useful links for further information and guidance. Please do not hesitate to contact our school SENCO to discuss any concerns you may have, or if you would like any additional support and guidance. 

Local Offer

 As a school, The Whartons Primary school understands and recognises that all our pupils are individuals and we aim to provide a high standard of education that meets the needs of every child 

The new SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Local Offer will provide information for children, young people and their parents/carers in a single place, helping them to understand what services they and their families can expect from a range of local agencies. This was introduced as part of the Children and Families Bill and became law in 2014. 

The aim of the local offer is to improve choice and transparency for families about the services they use. It will also be an important tool for professionals to use, as it will allow them to understand the full range of services and provision in the local area. By setting this information out in one place, this will also help the joint commissioning of services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. 

Please follow the links shown below for details of the local offers from Leeds and Bradford:

Leeds City Council: 

Bradford City Council:  – and –

It Can Be A Stressful & Frustrating Time

It can be a very stressful, frustrating and difficult time when you feel your child has a more complex need such as Autism, ADHD, or is suffering from a mental health difficulty. You know that something is wrong and want your child to get the support they need. 

The process of diagnosing a physical issue such as asthma or diabetes is very clear. The process for diagnosing neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and ADHD, or a mental health issues is much more complex and can feel like no-one is helping. 

No-one in school can make a diagnosis, but we can help to identify the symptoms as they appear in school. We are good at strategies which help to minimise the impact of a symptom where it is affecting a child's ability to access their education or their wellbeing in school and we will not wait for a diagnosis before supporting them in school. Often, a diagnosis does not change the support a child gets in school. 

Where a child has social or emotional difficulties that are severely affecting his or her education, school will discuss with you what additional support available through our Chevin Cluster Services. 

Where you feel your child has a neurological, developmental or mental health disorder your GP is the best person to help you access the route to a diagnosis and support for you and your child outside of school. For many suspected developmental, emotional or behavioural disorders, the GP may refer your child to a group called MindMate SPA. This group of professionals include mental health specialists, social and emotional specialists, behavioural specialists, family support specialists and health specialists who will consider all the available information and use their combined expert view to agree the most appropriate course of action. 

The school attends Guidance and Support Meetings within the Chevin Cluster family of schools.  Referrals are made to TAMHs (Targeted Mental Health in Schools) to support children mental health support by having access to our counselling services.  We also have a Parent Support Worker as part of the cluster to support families within their home.


EYFS - When a child is about to start Reception, it is good to let us know if you have any concerns at all as early as possible so we can work together to support your child with a good transition. 

High School - We work closely with high schools to make the transition as smooth as possible. We speak to their SENCO and give advice on any problems that may arise, or support that we feel will be necssary for the children moving up to High School. We prepare our Year 6 children as well as we can so they can be ready for the change. 

What Will The Whartons Primary School Do If My Child Has Special Educational Needs?

If your child has a special educational; need and/or disability, you can expect The Whartons Primary School to put in place additional and differentiated support for that need.  

School will: 

Discuss with you your child's needs.

Usually, the class teacher will arrange this but depending on the type and level of need, the SENDCo may discuss this with you. 

Identify the need and put in place extra support.

This may be in the form of:

  •          small group work around a specific learning need so your child can keep up
  •          specialist programme of support around an emotional need
  •          a parallel curriculum developed with specialist support
  •          support from outside of school, e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology
  •          an Individual Provision Map and/or Pupil Passport, identifying the specific need(s), targets, how it will be met and by when

Or some other support. 

Keep you informed about progress.

This could be through:

  •          parents' evenings meetings
  •          specially arranged meetings with the class teacher and/or the SENDCo
  •          copies of Individual Provision Map and/or Pupil Passport
  •          annual review for children with an EHCP/FFI Funding
  •          Early Help Plan meetings
  •          annual school reports 

Ensure staff are trained in general SEND issues.

For example:

  •          identifying children with SEND
  •          understanding our legal duties
  •          sharing good practice
  •          keeping up with relevant educational research
  •          having an overview of typical SEND needs and the strategies to support the needs 

Teachers' expertise is in education and school will support general awareness of the many issues and disorders affecting education, e.g. medical, neurodevelopmental, emotional or physical, but rely on other professionals who specialise in these areas for guidance and support. 

Monitor the impact of support for children with SEND.

Graduated approach

We use a graduated approach with four stages of action:

  • assess
  • plan
  • do
  • review
We will ensure that the support in place is monitored and use the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review' graduated approach to meeting children's needs as a continuous cycle. We will adapt and develop the support where it is not working as intended and will seek the advice and support of other agencies where necessary. 

SEND Code of Practice - Every Teacher is a Teacher of SEND 

A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which needs additional or different provision than most children of the same age. This help is over and above the typical support they would receive in the classroom. 

The legal definitions of SEND for a primary school are:

  •          A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
  •          A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

o    has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or

o    has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions 

SEND needs fall into four broad categories:

  •          Communicating and interacting – for example, where children and young people have speech, language and communication difficulties which make it difficult for them to make sense of language or to understand how to communicate effectively and appropriately with others
  •          Cognition and learning – for example, where children and young people learn at a slower pace than others their age, have difficulty in understanding parts of the curriculum, have difficulties with organisation and memory skills, or have a specific difficulty affecting one particular part of their learning performance such as in English or maths
  •          Social, emotional and mental health difficulties – for example, where children and young people have difficulty in managing their relationships with other people, are withdrawn, or if they behave in ways that may hinder their and other children’s learning, or that have an impact on their health and wellbeing
  •          Sensory and/or physical needs – for example, children and young people with visual and/or hearing impairments, or a physical need that means they must have additional ongoing support and equipment 

.A disability is defined by the Equality Act 2010 as:

  •          …a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities 

When a child had a disability, we must not discriminate against them and must make reasonable adjustments so we do not disadvantage them compared to their non-disabled peers. 

Some, but not all, children with a disability also have a special educational need

Universal & Targeted and Speacialst Approach

We aim for all children to be supported through adapting the regular, day-in-day-out diet of excellent teaching in the class. This is known as Quality First Teaching which forms part of our Universal Provision. 

Below is an example of what Universal provision may entail for a child with a Specific Learning Difficulty:

Universal Provision for Reading

  •        Teacher aware of common reading difficulties and act to remove barriers whilst planning lessons
  •          Clarify, display and refer back to new or difficult vocabulary
  •          Check for understanding
  •          Use of visual cues and prompts
  •          Collaborative working opportunities
  •          Extra time given for processing
  •          Consistent reference to word level work
  •          Repetition and reinforcement of skills (overlearning)
  •          Tasks differentiated, simplified or extended
  •          Adult modelling of oral reading.
  •          Flexible pupil groupings
  •          Covered overlay

 Some children may require Targeted and/or Specialist provision.  Targeted Provision are interventions that are provided by the teaching and support staff.  Specialist Provision will involve external professionals 

Below are examples of Targeted and Specialist Provision for a child with a Specific Learning Difficulty: 

Targeted Provision

  •          High quality inclusive teaching plus additional small group, time - limited interventions, designed to increase rates of progress and put children back on course to meet or exceed national expectations
  •          Staff training to deliver effective interventions
  •          Targeted/guided sessions with entry, exit and success criteria.  Refer to individual intervention planning documents.
  •          Reinforcement and practice input
  •          Pre-teaching of language and key concepts
  •          Range of Memory strategies to support recall of sounds and words
  •          Targeted sessions timetabled: i.e. Focused Learning Time
  •          Agreed monitoring schedule for targeted sessions.
  •          Reading Comprehension I.e. Read Write Inc
  •          Explicit teaching to work on identified difficulties e.g.

o   Word level reading

o   Reading accuracy

o   Reading rate and fluency 

Specialist Provision

  •          High quality inclusive teaching plus personalised interventions to maximise progress and close gaps in achievement.
  •          Pupil on SEN register at SEN Support or EHCP.
  •          Structured 1:1 or very small group teaching of specific reading skills identified through diagnostic assessment or similar
  •          Personalised learning programmes based on multisensory principles with frequent overlearning
  •          Monitoring and tracking of progress i.e. through B Squared Assessment Data
  •          Additional planning and arrangements for transition including baseline assessments
  •          Modified curriculum in assessment years
  •          Referral to specialist support (if required) i.e. SENIT (Special Education Needs Inclusion Team)


Dyslexia (SPLD) 

'Dyslexia' is derived from the Greek and means literally  ' difficulty with words or language".  There is no one agreed definition of dyslexia and, despite considerable research, the findings regarding the numbers of individuals and causes of dyslexia vary widely. However, more recent definitions reflect a degree of consensus between academics and professionals and help to clarify a basis for identification.

In June 2009, Sir Jim Rose published his report on dyslexia to the Secretary of State for Education. The report set out guidelines to support schools in identifying and teaching children and young people with dyslexia and literacy difficulties.

Rose summarised dyslexia as follows:

    • Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.
    • Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed.
    • Dyslexia occurs across the range of intellectual abilities. 

It is best thought of as a continuum, not a distinct category, and there are no clear cut-off points.

School Accessibility Plan

This plan is drawn up in accordance with the planning duty in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 as amended by the SEN and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA) and the Equality Act (2010). It draws on the guidance set out in “Accessible School: Planning to Increase Access to schools for disabled pupils” DfE.

Definition of Disability:

Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA)

“A person has disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities”. This includes sensory impairment and learning difficulties resulting from or consisting of mental illness.

Key Objective:

To reduce and eliminate barriers to access to the curriculum and to full participation in the school community for pupils, and prospective pupils with a disability. We also aim to eliminate barriers for staff, governors, visiting professionals, parents, and the community.


Compliance with the DDA is consistent with the school’s aims and equal opportunities policy, and the operation of the school’s SEN policy:

The school recognises its duty under the DDA (as amended by SENDA):

  • Not to discriminate against disabled pupils in their admissions and exclusions, and provision of education and associated services.
  • Not to treat disabled pupils less favourably
  • To take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage
  • To publish an Accessibility Plan.

In performing their duties Governors and staff will have regard to the Disability Rights Commission DRC Code of Practice (2002)

The school recognises and values parents’ knowledge of their child’s disability and its effect on his/her ability to carry out normal activities, and respects the parents’ and Childs’ right to confidentiality.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 
At The Whartons we work hard to support our children with ASD, providing one to one support with specially developed rooms and spaces for the children to feel safe and stimulated.
Further advice and support can be found on the link below.
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Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) 

At The Whartons we believe that communication and language provides one of the key foundations for all future learning. 

We aim to identify Speech and Language difficulties early to ensure that a robust programme is put in place to support the child. Children may demonstrate delay in one (or more) of the following areas:

  • Understanding Language
  • Expressive Language
  • Speech Sounds
  • Social Skills and Interaction
  • Stammering 
  • Selective Mutism 

Where there is an area of concern, we refer to the NHS speech and language service to request a more thorough assessment and programme. Our cluster of schools also employs a private Speech and Language therapist to provide assessments and programmes. We have access to this x 3 days per year however often purchase further days as required.  

Please find a link below with support and advice from the Leeds Speech and Language Therapy service.

SEMH (Social Emotional Mental Health)

SEMH needs are a type of special educational need where a child communicates through behaviour in response to unmet social, emotional or mental health needs.

Children with SEMH needs often have difficulties in managing their emotions or their behaviour. They can show inappropriate responses to their emotions. They can feel scared, anxious and misunderstood.


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal human feeling of unease, such as worry or fear - it can be mild or severe.

Everyone feels anxious at some time and it usually passes once a situation is over.

We are all unique and our responses to stress will be individual.

Anxiety becomes a problem when it starts to interfere with everyday life and the person starts to feel that their worries are out of control.

Reasons for anxiety can be a variety of life events, thinking styles, and biological reasons.

It is important to find ways to manage anxious feelings that are supportive to each person.

Implications for a pupil

How needs may present in the classroom:

-          May show reluctance to enter school/classroom.

-          Display clingy or panicky behaviours towards parents/carers.

-          Repeatedly request to go home.

-          Become withdrawn.

-          Refusal to follow instructions.

-          Lack of focus, engagement, concentration and motivation.

-          Get upset, angry or irritable or show a low mood.

-          Complain of physical symptoms - headache, tummy ache.

-          Increased blushing, sweating, or using the toilet often.

Attention & Concentration Difficulties

What causes attention and concentration difficulties?

There are a myriad of potential causes to consider …… underlying anxiety (home/school related), frustration and/ or sensory issues. The work may be too challenging or too easy or there could be difficulties accessing the curriculum due to language and memory issues. Physical factors such as lack of sleep, hearing, eyesight, diet, or hunger also need to be ruled out. Monitoring the behaviour helps to identify potential causes and solutions.

Implications for a pupil 

Difficulties beginning and completing tasks, taking too long on tasks, and requiring continual prompting are all common. Following instructions and organising themselves can be problematic. The pupil is deemed to not be able to work independently and is reliant on adult support. They may struggle to sit still, be on the move and fidgety or perhaps daydream, stare out of the window or appear to be ‘in a world of their own’. There can be difficulties with self-regulation, the pupil distracting others and engaging in disruptive behaviour. It may affect their emotional state; may appear moody, irritable, or stressed. Relationships with peers and teachers may be affected and the pupil may come to dislike school. Ultimately their learning is compromised

Complaints Procedure

We value good home/school relations and will, therefore, do everything we can to establish and maintain them.  This includes seeking to resolve any concerns or complaints promptly, and to the satisfaction of all concerned.

We welcome feedback on what parents feel we do well, or not so well, as a school.   We will consider carefully all feedback, whether positive or negative, and will review our policies and practices accordingly.

We will treat all concerns and complaints seriously and courteously and will advise parents and others of the school’s procedures for dealing with their concerns.  

Please contact Mrs Manderville or Mrs Dickson via the school office with comments