Administering Medicine in School

Prescribed Medication
Where possible medicines should be prescribed in frequencies that allow the pupil to take them outside school hours.
If this is not possible, we can only administer prescribed medication once the Parent/ Carer has completed a Parental Agreement to Administer Prescribed Medication Form (See Below). These can be printed off the website or obtained from the school foyer. 
The medicine must be:
1- In date 
2-Brought to school in the correct packaging with the dosage details and child's name clearly showing.
We cannot administer any medicines that do not meet this criteria.
A maximum of 4 weeks supply of any medication may be provided to the school at any one time. If we have medicines that exceed this period, they will be returned to the child's parent/carer.
Any medications left over at the end of the prescribed course will also be returned to the child's parent/carer.
Un-Prescribed Medication
In certain circumstances we will administer un-prescribed medication such as paracetamol provided the Parental Agreement to Administer Un-Prescribed Medication is completed and signed by the parent/carer.
We will only administer these if
1-the medicine is in date
2-the medicine is in the correct box with the dosage details clearly labelled and the child's name clearly written on   
 All medicines are kept in the medical fridge or in the locked medical cabinet 
If your child is diagnosed as needing an inhaler, please inform the school office as soon as possible and we will ask you to complete a Consent Form for the Use of  Emergency Salbutamol Inhaler & a School Asthma Plan (Please see below).
Your child's inhaler will be kept in their class for them to use whenever they have the need and will be supervised by their class teacher.
We will inform you if the inhaler becomes empty or faulty immediately and we have an emergency use inhaler locked in the school medicine cabinet for use by any child if the need arises. We will always inform you if this has been used.